Blues Travels

The Driving Enthusiasts Web Site

Westminster, Maryland – EIP Tuning and Crazy Drivers

Well, someone once told me that when you drive you have to be aware of your surroundings. Well, talk about idiotic understatements. Sheesh :crazy: But let me ask you his: How can you be aware of your surroundings if you are UNfamiliar with your surroundings??? Hmmmm??

If I have learned one thing in the last 2 weeks, it is that no matter how comfortable you may feel when you travel somewhere, you have to remember that you are a stranger in a strange land. Sure, the people basically look the same. Yeah, the radio plays pretty much the same music. The stops lights work the same. The grocery stores sell the same food and it tastes the same too…but you should not allow that to lull you into a state of complacency. No matter how similar a place may seem, the habits and tendancy’s of the locals are completely alien because they are reacting to familiar surrounds….surrounds which are anything but familiar to you….so their behavior will be unfamiliar to you and yours to them.
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October 8, 2004 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment